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AACEIPI Sponsorship Charter

The purpose of this charter is to specify the reciprocal commitments made by sponsors and godchildren by enrolling in the AACEIPI Sponsorship program. 
These minimum commitments leave all the freedom to the sponsors and godchildren to develop their relationship. The sponsor who accepts this commitment undertakes to help his godchild in his support by listening, dialogue and networking so that the godson progresses in autonomy, in decision-making capacity and in knowledge of the resources useful for the success of his project. Sponsorship cannot in any way replace various supports (training, follow-up, etc.).

1. The godfather or godmother, member of AACEIPI, is an experienced professional in intellectual property (with at least 2 years of professional experience): lawyer, industrial property advisor, lawyer, professor, etc. who is committed to helping his godchild to develop his capacities, to flourish and to facilitate his professional and social integration. He agrees to provide his godson, disinterested and free of charge, all opinions and information related to the godson's project, which implies in particular:

  • Assist the godson in his academic career with regard to the choices open to him;

  • Advise the godson on his professional orientations;

  • Facilitate his professional integration, including by helping him to define his project.

In the context of sponsorship, the godfather or godmother:  

  • listens to the godson, but not at his disposal;

  • helps him to succeed, but he does not replace his teachers or his company tutors, he does not give support courses, nor method or re-explanation of courses;

  • does not give tutorials and does not write a thesis;

  • provides the means and / or advice to the extent of its availability;

2. The godson  is a student or graduate, regardless of intellectual property background. Given the voluntary commitment of sponsorship, the godson undertakes to respond to the requests of his godfather or godmother and to inform him of his progress and the difficulties he encounters. 

The godson:

  • is responsible for his future and free of his choices, without allowing himself to be imposed on the advice or the choices of the godfather or the godmother, if they do not suit him;

  • he must join the AACEIPI association for the duration of the sponsorship;

  • he undertakes to exchange views on a regular basis by telephone contact and / or email.

3. AACEIPI  is responsible for the smooth running of the sponsorship and undertakes to assist sponsors and godchildren in the conduct of their relationship, it being observed that:

  • the success of the sponsorship depends on the reciprocal motivation of the godson and his godfather;

  • sponsorship is, first and foremost, a human and supportive relationship;

  • sponsorship involves contacts in a friendly atmosphere;

  • the godson and his godfather can decide at any time to stop the sponsorship by keeping each other informed and by informing the “sponsorship” commission of the AACEIPI. In the event of a breach, the initiator of the breach will tell the AACEIPI “sponsorship” committee of the difficulties encountered.

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